The Run Down

Age 
24 years’ young

My Journey as a Vegetarian 
I’d be lying if I said the journey was easy, but the decision was a breeze. I have been a vegetarian for about 5 years with the exception of taking a year off for no reason at all (there’s that lack of consistency in my life hehe)! I started off completely ignorant of all the possibilities that not adding meat to my diet held in store for me. For the first year or so I ate salads, salads and more salads! Then I finally realized that there were soups, pasta’s, beans and my favorite tofu! Boy did that make my life much more interesting.  Then I started to explore soul food recipes (who knew soulful black people were vegetarians) and I never turned back! I say this has by far been the best health decision I have ever made!

The Natural Hair Experience 
            When I decided to go natural I had no idea that I was even doing it. I just decided in high school that there was no point of getting my hair relaxed. I’ve always had long hair (bra strap length) and was completely obsessed with my locks! I started doing my research about natural products and the damaging effects of heat and certain chemicals. I didn’t knowingly become educated on the healthiness of my own hair until a year ago. Now I know you all are wondering what happen to the locks?! Well here goes it! Those locks that I was obsessed with had to GO! I must say with hair, I never knew what true beauty entailed. I can’t tell you how many days I refused to go out in public because I was having a so called “bad hair day”! I decided one Sunday morning that it was time. I made a few calls and before I knew it I was in the chair with the clippers to my head. I really have no desire to grow my hair back out. July 6, 2010 is the day I became free from my hair bondage! Life after hair has been glorious!

Fashion 
            I’m no fashionista or expert in fashion! I don’t have a particular style, I just go with the flow!I just know how to dress for me! Hehe!

My Life 
            Born and breed from DETROIT! As much as I love my city I’m on a mission and I've said farewell! I’ve did my duty and finished up my undergraduate studies and now it’s on to something new! Florida is where I've decided to continue my journey through life.