Learning gives us a fuller conviction of the imperfections of our nature; which one would think, might dispose us to modesty.
Some of us are judgmental, some us have bad attitudes, and some of us have low self-esteem issues. My point is that we all have imperfections. It’s perfectly natural for us to be imperfect creatures. Without those flaws we would have no character, no struggles and no victories within ourselves. We have to learn flaws are not meant to make us change in to perfect creatures, but to allow us to recognize are flaws and correct them accordingly and grow from them. No flaw is placed within us by mishap. We develop these imperfections in hopes to build a better mother, sister, wife or friend. (Unbeknownst to us) I’ll be the first to admit, I had the slickest mouth and the worst attitude! And the bad part about it all is that I knew. My excuse was it’s just the way I am. I look back on that and could not have agreed more with myself. It was just me and if not for that bad attitude and slick mouth, I don’t think I would have known what it is like to bit your tongue for once or let go of the attitude because it takes too much energy. I will say that I wish I had known that those flaws needed to change sooner, because it would have saved me the extra and unnecessary! I say this to say embrace your flaws, BUT do not be afraid to recognize that a change should be in progress. I don’t believe in forcing people to change the negative things about themselves. We have to learn to love in spite of …even if that means loving from a distance. Because God knows some attitudes just can’t and shouldn’t be dealt with! But loving each other’s flaws allows us to love our own imperfections and in turn we become more understanding about defects and faults. Learn your flaws and learn from them!
~Stay Blessed, Start Loving and Keep Pushing! Deuces